King William Street CE Primary School

  1. Our Classes
  2. Blue Whale

Blue Whale - EYFS2

Mrs Walsh, Mrs Dix, Mrs Woods and Miss Jefferies would like to welcome you to the Blue Whale class page. On this page, you will be able to find out information about what your child is learning and some learning tips for parents/carers.

Class News

Brilliant Beginning

This term our question is ‘Can you tell me a story?’. As part of this topic we would like you to create a ‘brilliant beginning’ task. We will be exploring Traditional Tales.

We would like you to think about your favourite traditional tale and create a collage of your favourite character no larger than A4. Remember a collage has no drawing!!

Please could these be completed and brought into school by Wednesday 26 February.

I look forward to seeing your characters!

Mrs Walsh

Learning Web

Learning Tips

Phase 2

Phonics - Parent Workshop 2025

Phase 3