King William Street CE Primary School

  1. Parents
  2. School Life
  3. After School Club

After School Club

At King William, we are fortunate to have an After School Club which is run and managed by school staff, Monday to  Friday.  All the staff understand the importance of providing a family friendly, nurturing environment for your child when they attend After School Club. 

King William After School Club will be headed up by Duty Manager Eve Pring and Tracy Higgs, After School Club Worker. Both are qualified and experienced in childcare and will take great care to ensure the children have a fun filled experience, in very safe and capable hands.

3.20pm – 6:00pm Monday to Thursdays

1.40pm – 5:00pm Fridays

After School Club will operate on those days that King William Street CE Primary School are open. Therefore, the club will not open on Teacher development Days.

Monday - Thursday - Until 5pm = £7.50 // Until 6pm = £9.50

Fridays - Until 3.30pm = £7.50 / Until 5pm = £14.00

There will be lots of free play, Arts and crafts, areas to relax, watch DVD’s and complete homework.

We have computers and games consoles, iPad’s.

Lots of toys from dolls, kitchen area, dressing up, Lego, castles, building blocks, cars, action figures, animals, climbing apparatus, messy play fun!

Weather permitting we make full use of the playground & encourage sports activities such as athletic tracks, football, basketball, scooting and lots of fun team games

A snack is provided and the children are encouraged to help prepare and serve this snack. This includes foods such as sandwiches & fruit, carrots, raisins, pizza, spaghetti & beans on toast & more. We provide for all dietary, allergy & religious needs. This should be stated on your child's registration form & will be displayed in our food preparation area for all staff to be aware of.

The adult collecting the child will need to enter the school via the main entrance gate in the KS2 Playground, then walk around to the entrance for the office and press the buzzer which we will be able to hear from the school hall. One of our staff will answer the door to see who you are collecting and gather your child and their belongings and bring them out to you.

If you are late picking up your child, five minutes’ grace will be given but after this time you will be charged for the next collection time/amount. 

Monday - Thursday; if your child has not been collected by 6.15pm a £5.00 charge will be added, if not collected by 6.30pm a £10 charge will be added, and so forth in multiples of £5 for every 15 minutes late.  The same rule applies for Friday 5pm pick ups.

You will need to complete an After School Club Registration form.

Please return the form to King William Street CE Primary School

Once your registration form has been received, your booking will be confirmed. 

A reminder that sessions booked will carried over to the following term. Any changes to sessions require a two-week notification. Therefore, if your termly invoice is sent out and your circumstances have changed, however if no two-week notification has been given, you must pay for the sessions booked.

Payments will be deducted from your SchoolPing account on a Monday, for the previous weeks sessions attended.  Please ensure that your SchoolPing Wallet is topped up regularly, as a deficit amount may result in your child not being able to attend until a payment has been made.



King William Street After School Club Registration Form is on the back pages of the Information Pack (opposite).

Please download, complete and email to

If you would like to know more about After School Club the Information Pack can be viewed or downloaded below.