King William Street CE Primary School

  1. Our Classes
  2. Prospective Parents

 Welcome to King William Street CE Primary School

If you would like to visit our school, please ring 01793522346 or email Mrs Agates at

During the visit you will be greeted by Ms Tucker, our head teacher, who will take you on a tour of the school. She will happily answer any questions you may have.

Frequently Asked Questions

We plan carefully to ensure that transition experiences are positive so that the children are familiar with the school before they start in September.

In May we invite parents/carers to a Welcome Evening where you will be able to meet the staff who will be teaching your child in September as well as other members of staff. We will familiarise you with the daily routines, school uniform, school dinners, breakfast club etc and you will be able to look around Blue Whale classroom.

In addition, usually the first week in June, staff visit you and your child at home.

During the month of June, staff visit pre-schools or contact them via telephone to ensure we have information on each child just in case any additional support might be needed. 

In July, your child is invited to come into school for three short sessions where they will meet the staff and familiarise themselves with Blue Whale classroom.

In September, we operate a short phased induction which means the children are in full time by the second week of term.

Here are some guidelines about what you can do to help your child get ready for school.

There is an After School Club provided by the school in the school hall. 

It is available from 3.30pm to 6:00pm Monday to Fridays.

Any Time up until 5.00pm = £7.50

Any Time up until 6.00pm = £9.50

On a Friday, the After School Club is available from 1.40pm to 6:00pm Fridays. The costs for the sessions are as follows:

Friday early finish from 1.30pm – 3.30pm = £6.00 plus your session fee of 5pm on top if you wish your child to stay later.

From 3:30pm up until 5.00pm = £7.50

From 3:30pm up until 6:00pm = £8.50

Click on the link to find out more as well as read the Rascals Parent Pack and download the registration form. 

For more information visit:

Our school uniform is: 

Grey or black classic cut trousers or pleated knee length skirt or pinafore or classic cut shorts.

Blue and white check summer dress.

White polo neck shirt or T-shirt.

Royal blue sweatshirt or cardigan or jumper with or without school logo.

Black leather shoes NOT black canvas shoes or trainers or Dr Martin footwear.

Our outdoor PE kit is:

Royal blue T-shirt.

Royal blue sweatshirt without a hood.

Black jogging bottoms.

Black trainers/daps. 

Our indoor PE kit is:

Royal blue T-shirt.

Royal blue shorts.

Black trainers/daps.

All items of our school uniform, with the exception of King William Street cardigans and sweatshirts, can be purchased from a range of high street stores and supermarkets.

If you wish to purchase a jumper, cardigan or fleece with the school logo embroidered on it, you need to order and purchase these online from

These items can either be posted directly to your home or collected from Recognition Express West, BSS House (Unit 22) Area 35A Cheney Manor Industrial Estate Swindon SN2 2PJ.

To order a school meal, you will need to register for an account with SchoolGrid. Here you can select your menu choice and pay for your child's meal. You will also be able to add allergens to your child's record. 

Click to visit SchoolGrid

All children in Blue Whale, Tiger and Puffin are entitled to a Universal Free School Meal. For children in other classes who are not in receipt of Benefits Related Free School Meals, the cost of a school meal is £2.50 per day.

All classes have weekly homework set by the class teacher. The homework is set on a Friday and is returned by the following Wednesday.


Every child is encouraged to  read to an adult every day. When they read at home, it is recorded in their Reading Record book or Reading Diary. The children are rewarded for regular reading nights-when they reach 25, 50, 75, 100, 125, 150, 175 and 200 nights they receive a reward.

Blue Whale

In Blue Whale, homework will includes a phonic, mathematics and health and well-being activity weekly. 

Tiger and Puffin

Homework will include:

An online mathematics activity using Sumdog.

A phonics for writing task where a list of words alongside an activity to practise them with is sent home on a Friday.  Accompanying this list of words will be an activity to practice these e.g. Ransom Note-cut out the letters from a newspaper/magazine and glue them in to spell the words.

Brilliant Beginnings.

This is an opportunity for the children to complete an open ended task related to the theme to be explored in the following term. It could take many forms, preparing a talk, completing a piece of research or conducting an interview.  This will be set by the class teacher in the last week of terms 2, 4 and 6 and will include a clear explanation of the expectations and how the homework should be presented. The task should be returned to school on the first week of term 1, 3 and 5 where it will be displayed in the classroom. 

Panda, Polar Bear, Zebra and Leopard

Homework will include:

An online mathematics activity using Times Table Rockstars.

A phonics for writing task where a list of words alongside an activity to practise them with is sent home on a Friday.  Accompanying this list of words will be an activity to practice these e.g. Ransom Note-cut out the letters from a newspaper/magazine and glue them in to spell the words.

Brilliant Beginnings.

This is an opportunity for the children to complete an open ended task related to the theme to be explored in the following term. It could take many forms, preparing a talk, completing a piece of research or conducting an interview.  This will be set by the class teacher in the last week of terms 2, 4 and 6 and will include a clear explanation of the expectations and how the homework should be presented. The task should be returned to school on the first week of term 1, 3 and 5 where it will be displayed in the classroom. 

Our breakfast club run by our school staff, Miss Rowe and Ms Kamber, is available from 7:45 am every school day and is open to all children.

At our breakfast club, a healthy meal to start the day is available. We offer a range of activities for children to take part in before they join the children in the playground at 8:30 am. There is a charge of £3:20/day.

We offer a range of after school activities across the week such as embroidery, football, Christmas Voices and dance. These usually run for a period of 10-12 weeks after school. Some of the activities are open to all ages, some are open to particular year groups.

Parents/carers will be notified of the after school activities in a newsletter and spaces are offered on a first come first served basis

All children have the opportunity to participate in sport. Specialist coaches teach our children for all outdoor PE sessions. In addition, the children participate in three indoor PE sessions led by their class teacher. These focus on Real PE, Real gym and Dance.

Children in Panda class (year 3) also go swimming in term 3 and 4 and Leopard class (year 6) go swimming in term 1 and 2.

We also offer all children an opportunity to experience a range of sports using external providers. Children in Tiger and Puffin have a series of sessions at Delta Tennis and children in Polar Bear and Zebra have a series of sessions at Broome Manor Golf.

Children in Polar Bear (year 4) and Leopard class (year 6) also participate in outdoor adventurous activities as part of their residential to Oxenwood (Polar Bear) and Morfa Bay (Leopard).

In addition, a variety of After School activities are sport related including football and dance. Across the year, children participate in sporting festivals as well as sporting competitions.

For children who have an interest in music, we offer individual guitar, drumming and piano lessons provided by Swindon Music Cooperative. There is a charge for this. During the year, these children showcase their talents at several musical evenings.

Breakfast Club - 7:45 am to 8:30 am

Start of school for:

Blue Whale- 8:35am

Tiger and  Puffin- 8:30am

Panda and Polar Bear, Zebra and Leopard- 8:35 am 

The class teacher collects the children from either the KS1 or KS2 playground. Our  school gates are closed at 8:35am.

Learning Time begins - 8:30am/8:35am

Assembly / Collective Worship-9:00am

Morning Break - Either 10:20-10:40am or 10:50-11:10am Children in Blue Whale, Tiger and Puffin class are provided with a fruit snack. Children from other year groups can bring their own fruit snack.

Learning Time from either 10:40am or 11:10am 

Lunch for Blue Whale-11:45am-12:30pm

Lunch for Tiger and Puffin-12:00 to 12:45 pm

Lunch for Panda, Polar Bear, Zebra and Leopard-12:30 to 1:15 pm

Children can choose to have a school meal or bring in a healthy pack lunch. The children sit together around tables in our hall and their food is brought to them by the MDSA's and their class teacher/teaching assistants. Each day members of staff sit and eat their meal with the children. 

During lunchtime, we offer a variety of resources and activities to keep our children active and busy. These are run by our mid-day supervisors and our Polar Bear and Zebra play leaders. Peer-mediators from Zebra and Leopard class are on hand to assist their peers in maintaining positive and friendly relationships.  

Learning Time - 12:30pm /12:45 pm / 1:15 pm

Our school day ends at

Blue Whale- 3:15pm except Friday 1:35pm

Tiger and  Puffin- 3:20pm except Friday 1:40pm

Panda and Polar Bear, Zebra and Leopard- 3:25pm except Friday 1:45pm

Our school gates are opened from 3:10 pm every afternoon. The class teacher will bring the children onto the playground to be collected. Please ensure that the teacher knows that you have collected your child.

Although we are a church school, we are inclusive to all members of the community we serve. Our aim is that children from all faiths and those without a faith feel safe and happy, secure in the knowledge that their beliefs are respected and valued.

Our school’s Christian character contributes significantly to the personal development and wellbeing of all learners as well as their academic achievement. Our six Christian values guide our children to become well rounded individuals who are considerate of others and are ready for whatever the future holds for them.  

Children say...

All of our teachers are good. None of the teachers are too strict-they are all nice.
Lily and Shakiya

I am new to the school and I like the school because there is no shouting and I have made friends really easily.

I like mathematics best because of the maths challenges the teachers give you in every maths lesson. I am proud when I succeed at the Use It and Own It.

I like the fact that our classes are named after endangered animals because it creates awareness of this.

Every English lesson I learn something new and when we write, teachers give us real writing opportunities and I like it when we write to real, important people.
Evie and Daisy

Lunch orders are good because you get to choose what you'd like rather than a first come first served option. Madie

Everyone is kind-if someone is alone at playtime, someone always goes up to them and asks them to play so no-one is left out.

Families say...

All of the teachers have created the right environment and encouragement to inspire my son. It is amazing to watch and listen to him learn and be enthusiastic about his school.

I like the fact that everyone knows each other and every teacher knows my child and because of this the school feels like a family.

Very caring staff and atmosphere. High quality education across a wide range of subjects. Excellent community feel. My child is safe and happy here.

I like the great community, strong values and the care and attention paid to each and every child.

We are happy with this school. Our daughter loves coming to school and always leaves at the end of the day very happy. We like the atmosphere and how the school welcomes the parents. Our daughter thoroughly enjoys it here and feel she is doing very well. 

The caring environment it provides. Both of my children have gone through King William and have been very happy. I am pleased with the academic progress my children have made.

The teachers are approachable and helpful. My child enjoys going to school. Anti-bullying policy is exceptional.
The ethos, values, quality and care/nurture. The openness and opportunities and the tangible drive for the best provision for the children. It’s a wonderful School-I am proud to have had 3 children go through the school.

You provide our son with such a rich and rewarding learning environment. He is really enjoying his time at your school.

Ofsted say...

King William Street is a school where pupils feel welcome and included. They told us that they feel safe and that staff care about them.

Pupils play well together at social times. Pupils enjoy the additional responsibilities given to them, including peer mediation which develops their moral and social skills well. 

Leaders and staff want the very best for the pupils and have high expectations of what pupils can achieve in English, mathematics and science. Pupils enjoy their learning because teachers make it interesting for them.

The children are taught how to make a positive difference within their local community and wider society by living, and putting into action, their Christian values.

Leaders in the early years make sure that the curriculum develops children’s language effectively. As a result, children are confident, independent and achieve well. They make a good start in Reception.

Pupils learn well in mathematics. Teachers use their knowledge of what pupils can do to revisit what they have learned previously.  As pupils develop their fluency in mathematics: they are able to apply this to more demanding work, solve problems and explain their answers confidently.

Pupils read well. Pupils in key stage 2 enjoy reading books from their class library and they like talking about them. This enables pupils to gain a love of books and understand what they read.

All teachers and leaders are ambitious for pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities. Teachers meet their needs well and use a range of ways to support pupils’ learning.

The way all members of staff know the children, express care for them and enable them to grow in all areas-not just academically.

SIAMS say...

The headteacher is passionate that every child at the school is supported in their learning and development. She and her staff ‘go above and beyond’ to support the wellbeing of pupils and adults. As a result, pupils in this school flourish and feel very well cared for, as do the adults.

Pupils behave well and demonstrate dignity and respect towards each other. They care for one another and take on different responsibilities to support each other’s wellbeing.

Pupils speak confidently about how they are encouraged to learn from their mistakes in order to be guided towards making improvement in the future. One pupil in Year 6 expressed that when he moves onto secondary school he will be able to reflect on his time at King William Street and use his experiences to guide him at his new school.

Parents speak very positively about the open relationships between parents and staff. They comment that the headteacher knows every child and family incredibly well and that the school goes the extra mile to support families that need it.

The school creates an inclusive atmosphere where pupils are well supported and nurtured. Pupils’ wellbeing is a high priority.

Pupils behave well, showing each other dignity and respect. Peer mediators take their role very seriously and are well trained and fully committed to supporting other pupils who need it. Relationships in the school are well developed and strong, especially within the staff team. King William Street has a very caring staff team who get on very well.

Pupils have empathy for others and genuinely want to support each other. This is driven by the school’s Christian values, especially compassion.