School Day
Breakfast Club - 7:45 am to 8:30 am
Please see our Breakfast Club page for more information.
Start of school for Panda, Polar Bear, Zebra and Leopard classes 8:35am
Start of school for Tiger and Puffin classes 8:30am
Start of school for Blue Whale class 8:35am
The class teacher collects the children from their playground. School gates are closed from 8:35am. If late, the children need to come to the KS2 gates and press the buzzer to be let in.
Learning Time - 8:30am/8:35am
Assembly / Collective Worship - 9:00am
Morning Break
Tiger and Puffin classes 10:20-10:40am
Panda and Polar Bear classes 10:50-11:10am
Zebra and Leopard classes 10:20-10:40am
Children in Blue Whale, Tiger and Puffin class are provided with a fruit snack. Children from other year groups can bring their own fruit snack.
Learning Time - 10:40/11:10am
Blue Whale at 11:45am-12:30pm
Tiger and Puffin at 12:00pm to 12:45 pm
Panda, Polar Bear, Zebra and Leopard at 12:30pm to 1:15 pm
Children can choose to have a school meal or bring in a healthy pack lunch. The children sit together around tables in our hall. Each day members of staff sit and eat their meal with the children. During the summer, children can eat their pack lunch outside on our picnic benches.
During lunchtime, we offer a variety of resources and activities to keep our children active and busy. These are run by our mid-day supervisors and our Polar Bear and Zebra play leaders. Peer-mediators from Zebra and Leopard class are on hand to assist their peers in maintaining positive and friendly relationships.
Learning Time - 12:30pm/12:45 pm / 1:15 pm
End to the school day.
End of school for Blue Whale class 3:15pm. On Fridays the end of school is 1:35pm.
End of school for Tiger and Puffin classes 3:20pm. On Fridays the end of school is 1:40pm.
End of school for Panda, Polar Bear, Zebra and Leopard classes 3:25pm. On Fridays the end of school is 1:45pm.
Our school gates are opened from 3:10 pm every afternoon. The class teacher will bring the children onto the playground to be collected. Please ensure that the teacher knows that you have collected your child.
Currently, Children in Blue Whale class are in school 32 hours/week.
Children in Tiger and Puffin classes are in school 32.5 hours/week.
Children in Panda, Polar Bear, Zebra and Leopard classes are in school 32.5 hours/week.
After School Club
An After School Club is available every day until 6:00pm, Mon-Thur, 5pm on Friday. See After School Club page for more information.
After School Activities
We aim to offer a range of after school activities throughout the year. Some of these activities are free and some may require a small charge. Clubs we have run in the past are:
- Tag Rugby
- Football
- Art
- Embroidery
- Dance
- Choir
Information about after school activities are sent to parents/carers at the beginning of term one, three and five.