King William Street CE Primary School

  1. Our School
  2. Our Governors


The Governing Body of King William Street CE Primary School consists of parents, staff, members of the community and the church. In addition to governors who act as Trustees, we have three members made up of:

Mrs N White who became a member on 1st January 2021,

Mrs T Smith, who became a member on 31st May 2019.

Mrs L Townend, the Diocese of Bristol Diocesan Board of Education member who became a member on 31st May 2019.

In partnership with the Headteacher, the Governing Body sets the strategic framework for the school. This includes setting the overall objectives and monitoring progress towards them.

The Governing Body meets ten times throughout the school year. The Clerk to the Governors is Mrs Alison Andrews and can be contacted via the school office or via email:

Below you can meet our Governors and read the meeting minutes.

Our Governors

My name is Greg Evans and I am a co-opted Trustees/Governor which means that I have been appointed by the trustees/governors of the school.  Currently I am Vice-Chair of the Governing Body and am the named governor for data protection and cyber security. I first became a parent governor in January 2010. I transferred to a co-opted governor in November 2018 , when my youngest child left the school. My term of office expires in November 2025.

I am married to Justine and we have four children. In 2007 we took the decision to move our three younger children to King William Street from another local school because we felt there was (and still is) something very special about King William Street. Since then we have both been passionate about the school and its ethos and have done what we can to contribute. That is why I applied to become a Governor in 2010. 

I also run a local computer software company and in my spare time I enjoy long dog walks, collecting music, DJing, photography and I try to stay fit.

My name is Rev. Simon Stevenette and I am an ex officio Foundation Trustee/Governor at King William Street CE Primary School which means that I have been appointed by Bristol Diocese, along with the other Foundation Governors to support the Christian  values which the school upholds as a Church of England school. Currently I am a member of the  Foundation Governors committee.  I became a governor in November 2018.    

I am the vicar of Christchurch and  Area Dean of Swindon. I have led the parish as Vicar for the last 22 years. I am married to Nicola and we have 5 sons.  I love meeting people, working in the community building teams and helping people develop and grow in their spiritual gifting.

I enjoy sport in general especially running and am a member of Chiseldon tennis club and the Nuffield gym. I am Chaplain of Swindon Town Football club and an active member of the Swindon Rotary club.

My name is Rachel Walsh. I am a Staff Trustee/Governor which means that I have been appointed by the teaching staff of the school. I became a trustee/governor in November 2021 and my term of office expires in November 2025.

I have worked at King William Street CE Primary School for 11 years and beforehand King William Pre-school.  I am totally committed to the school and its ethos which inspired me to change my career into education.  My journey with the school began working as an MDSA to Teaching Assistant and now EYFS teacher. Both my children attended the school and still talk fondly of the time they attended .  I am very proud that they still display the core values installed throughout  the school, allowing me to see both the parent and teaching perspective. I wish to continue to support the core values and  the local community spirit which I live within through the improvement and hard work of all the school staff, parents and wider community.

As head teacher of King William Street CE Primary School I am also a school Trustee/Governor.

My name is Trish Newton and I am a Parent Trustee/Governor which means I have been appointed by the Parents / Carers of the school on March 2022. My term of office expires in March 2026. I am the link governor for English, Art and MfL.

My name is Melissa Robinson-Marshman and I am a Parent Trustee/Governor. This means that I have been appointed by the parents/carers of the school. I became a trustee/governor in December 2023 and my term of office expires in December 2027. 

I am married and we have one son who currently attends King William Street CE Primary School in Blue Whale class. 

My name is Jen Morris and I am a Parent Trustee/Governor. This means that I have been appointed by the parents/carers of the school. I became a trustee/governor in May 2023 and my term of office expires in May 2027.

I have worked within the education sector for almost twenty years. The bulk of my work history was spent in a specialist residential College for people on the Autistic Spectrum, working with 16-21 years olds on a day to day basis supporting students with their education, independence and social needs.

My son started at King William in 2021 and I felt that I could use my experience in education to uphold the core values and vision of the school by becoming a Governor. In the past year I have learnt so much about the school at a strategic level and have attended lots of training to build on the skills needed to be a successful ‘critical friend’ to the school. 

I feel very privileged to be able to make a difference for the children at the school.

My name is Anthony Slack and I am a Foundation Trustee/Governor which means that I have been appointed by Bristol Diocese, along with the other Foundation Governor(s), to support the Christian values which the school upholds as a Church of England school. I became a governor in November 2023 and am currently Vice-Chair. I am also the link governor for RE/Christian Distinctiveness and SEND.

Prior to my retirement and subsequent relocation to Swindon in 2022, I served as a Foundation Governor at 2 church schools in Bolton (Manchester Diocese) for some 20 years, including extended periods as Chair. I found these to be rewarding experiences so was delighted when asked to take on a similar role at King William Street School.

My wife is an associate priest (retired) at Christ Church and we have two grown up children.

Information to follow.

Information to follow.

Governing Body Minutes

 FINAL GE APPROVED_MOM Full Governing Body & AGM Meeting_.18.01.24.pdfDownload
 FINAL GE APPROVED_MOM Full Governing Body Meeting_07.03.24 .pdfDownload
 FINAL GE APPROVED_MOM Full Governing Body Meeting_18.04.24.pdfDownload
 FINAL GE APPROVED_MOM Full Governing Body Meeting_23.05.24.pdfDownload
 FINAL AS APPROVED_ MOM Full Governing Body Meeting_13.06.24 .pdfDownload
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