Puffin - Year Two
Miss Marsden, Miss Rowe and Mr Morland would like to welcome you to the Puffin class page. On this page, you will be able to find out information about what your child is learning and some learning tips for parents/carers.
Meet Miss Marsden
Brilliant Beginning
As part of this we would like you to research an African animal. You can choose any African animal you like and you can present your findings in any way you like.
For example, you may wish to; draw and label a diagram, make a model, write a fact file/report/description/poem etc.
Whatever you choose to do we politely request that it is no larger than A5 (half a page of A4) so that we have space to display everyone’s amazing work.
Your brilliant beginning is due in on Wednesday 8th January 2025. I can’t wait to see what you come up with!
Learning Web
Learning Tips
How to Pronounce Pure Sounds
Times Table Workshop