King William Street CE Primary School

  1. Parents
  2. School Life
  3. Uniform


At King William Street C.E. Primary School  we encourage all of our learners to take a pride in their appearance. Our school policy is that all children wear school uniform when attending school and when participating in school-organised events outside normal school hours. We feel that wearing a school uniform fosters a sense of identity and belonging, promotes the ethos of the school and is a way of showing that the children are ready, respectful and safe.

We have thought carefully about our school uniform and have chosen it to be comfortable and practical for primary aged children, whilst also being affordable for families.

Our school uniform is:


PE Kit

  • White long or short sleeve polo top or shirt.
  • Royal blue cardigan or jumper*. (No hoods/ pockets).
  • Black or dark grey classic cut trousers or pleated knee length skirt/ pinafore dress (no jeans or leggings).
  • Sensible black school shoes or black trainers. (No bright coloured trainers/ canvas shoes / Doc Martins etc.) 

* Please note that the jumper/cardigan doesn't have to be branded. 


  • Plain royal blue T-shirt.
  • Plain royal blue shorts.
  • Plain black jogging bottoms. (No Logos).
  • Royal blue sweatshirt*. (No logo, hood or pockets).
  • Pair of black trainers or daps.

Please send your child into school wearing the appropriate PE Kit for the season/temperature. 

*Please note that your child can wear their school jumper if you wish.


All of our school uniform and PE kit can be bought from high street shops and supermarkets. Children can wear a royal blue sweatshirt/cardigan or jumper with or without the school logo.

If you would like your child to wear uniform with our logo on it, you will need to purchase this from our school uniform supplier - This can then either posted directly to your home, delivered to the school or collected from Recognition Express West, BSS House (Unit 22) Area 35A Cheney Manor Industrial Estate Swindon SN2 2PJ3.

We also hold termly second hand sales in school.  There is no charge for the items, however if parents would like to give a donation, it would be greatly received.  (All monies donated will go towards the children and their learning). 

School Bags

Royal blue reading book bags are required for children in Blue Whale, Tiger and Puffin classes.   These can be purchased from

Children in Panda, Polar Bear, Zebra and Leopard should bring a suitable bag to school in which to put their homework and reading book. This must fit inside a locker.

Accessories and Jewellery

Hair accessories such as slides, ribbons, bobbles, etc, should be fairly simple and in school colours.

Hair style should avoid being extreme in style and we ask that children do not have their hair dyed/coloured.

Children must not wear makeup.

Children are allowed to wear one pair of plain, small stud earrings in the lobe of each ear. These must be removed by the child before PE lessons. If they are unable to remove earrings themselves, please provide your child with plasters or tape which they can use to cover up their own earrings before PE lessons.

Watches may be worn but these must be removed for any PE activity. Smart watches or any other type of watch that can access the internet may not be worn.

Lost Property

Any unidentified items of school uniform will be placed in Lost Property. Children are encouraged to look there to reclaim lost property, on the understanding that the found item will be clearly named. Children can become upset as a result of lost clothing. Please help us to reunite lost items of clothing with their owners by labelling items with your child’s name.