Frequently Asked Questions
If your child arrives after 8:35 am, it is vital that you take your child to the school office and register there. This is so that we can monitor attendance and ensure fire safety and security.
Please telephone the school office on 01793522346 as soon as possible and on each day of your child's absence from school; we have a dedicated answering service where you can leave a message.
It is very important that you let us know your child's symptoms so that we can monitor illness within the school.
In addition to this, please send a letter of explanation to school on your child's return. If you would prefer, this can be done via an email to
In the case of vomiting and diarrhoea, your child should be well for 48 hours before returning to school. If you are unsure, please call or email the office.
Whenever possible, parents/carers are encouraged to make all medical or dental appointments out of school hours. When appointments must be in school time, parents/carers are encouraged to ensure their child attends school for as much of the day as possible e.g. returning to school after the appointment.
Absence from school due to a medical or dental appointment will be marked as an authorised absence. Parents/carers must provide written confirmation of these appointments.
Holidays should only be taken during the school holiday period. Holidays during term time will be marked as unauthorised and may incur a fixed penalty fine. By law, the school can only grant absence during term time in exceptional circumstances.
If you would like to request to take your child out of school during term time, please complete the application for absence during term time form and return it to the school in advance. This can be found on our 'Forms' page.
School dinners cost £2.50 per day or £12.50 per week.
Dinners can be ordered and paid for via School Grid.
Breakfast club is run by our own staff and is available from 7:45 am every school day. Breakfast club costs £3.00 per day or £15.00 per week.
If you are interested in sending your child to our breakfast club, you must book a space by emailing the office by 3:30 pm the day before:
For more information visit our Breakfast Club page, found under 'Parents' / 'School Life' / 'Breakfast Club.
All items of our school uniform, with the exception of King William Street cardigans and sweatshirts, can be purchased from a range of high street stores and supermarkets.
If you would like to purchase a King William Street cardigan or sweatshirt, these can be ordered and purchased online from
Only medicines perscribed by doctors can be administered by our staff. If this is required, parents/carers must speak to the office staff to complete and sign a medication request form. If necessary, parents/carers can come in to school to administer medication to their own children.
Children with asthma, severe allegies, etc. must have their medication kept in school at all times. These will be administered by trained staff who will follow guidance in each child's individual care plan.
Teachers are normally available for brief enquiries after school. If you need a longer appointment, please contact the school office who will be happy to arrange this for you.
The school operates a healthy eating policy. We ask that parents/carers provide a balanced packed lunch.
King William Street CE Primary School is a Nut Free school.
For more information please visit our school meal page.